記錄與 iOS 開發有關的常用工具或指令
Apple Developer
iTunes Connect
Application Loader
發佈 ipa 檔用
※iOS 7.1 之後對於企業版 (Enterprise) 發佈時注意事項 - 2014/4/15 更新
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://www.xxx.com/apps.plist">點此下載</a>
不過到了 iOS 7.1 之後,來源 url 必需要是走 https:// 不然會出現憑證無效的視窗
那最簡單的解法就是把 .plist 丟到 dropbox ,例如
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/149328500/app.plist">點此下載</a>
Cartoon or Fantasy Violence卡通或幻想暴力
Realistic Violence 現實暴力
Sexual Content or Nudity 色情或裸色內容
Profanity or Crude Humor 褻瀆或低俗幽默
Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References 酒精、煙草或毒品使用或參考信息
Mature/Suggestive Themes 成人/性暗示主題
Simulated Gambling 模擬賭博
Horror/Fear Themes 驚悚/恐怖主題
Prolonged graphic or sadistic realistic violence持久直白或虐待狂現實暴力
Graphic sexual content and nudity 直白的色情和裸色內容
Infrequent/Mild 不多/輕微
Frequent/Intense 頻繁/強烈
1.至 Apple Developer 建立 App ID 及產生憑證及 provision (描述檔)
2.登入 iTunes Connect 建立 APP
3.填寫相關資料完成後,點選 Ready to Upload Binary
4.開啟 Xcode 將 Bundle 及憑證、Provision設定好後,點選單的 Product > Archive 產生封裝檔
5.Organizer→Validate→Distribute (此步驟也可透過 Application Loader 直接上傳ipa檔案)
iOS APP 審核約7天左右
2014/9/5 補充
※iOS 播款 ( Apple Developer )
在金額滿 USD $150 時會撥款
頁面在 iTunes Connect -> FAQ-> Payments and Financial Reports 有說明
Why didn't I get paid? What are the requirements?
Payments are made within 45 days of calendar month end if both of the following conditions are met:
- All documentation is complete, including any required banking and tax information.
- The payment threshold of USD $150 has been exceeded.
- If you have not received a payment for a given month within 45 days after the end of the month, please confirm that all documentation has been completed and provided. Also, please confirm that the cumulative amount owed exceeds USD $150 by converting reported amounts using current exchange rates.
2014/9/11 補充
※iTunes 更新後的上架方式改變
大概是因應 iOS 8 的關係,以為的上架是先建版本再上傳,現在是可以先針對APP上傳,再選擇要的版本去送審,但 Provision 要重建
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
刪除裡面所有的 Provision 檔案然後重新至 Developer 網站建立
2014/11/11 補充
※切換 xcode 預設目錄
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/
※iOS 模擬器 黑畫面
※2015/2 起上架或更新的APP都必需支援 64bit